Dayton Real Estate Investing
We are Dayton Real Estate investors. Obviously, we buy, sell, and rent houses. That’s not all we do. We help people succeed. To succeed, the number one rule is:
Real Estate Investing requires a Team!
We want you to succeed, and be great at real estate investing; get great deals, and be a great community housing provider. We know that’s a tall order, however we believe that when everyone works together, we all win. Our team is available to you too!
We are here to help.
Successful real estate investing takes knowledge and needs smart investors. We periodically host networking meetings and other events in the Dayton area. It’s a great way to expand your network and build your real estate investing team. You are welcome to attend. Get Networking info We gather to share our knowledge, pass around some deals, and have a few laughs.
If you have questions, we will share our knowledge and experience with you. Simply contact us.
We Buy and Sell Dayton Real Estate
We’re in the business of providing rehabbers, landlords, (and owner occupants) with good, solid properties at bargain basement prices. We want you to get a fantastic deal and come back for more.
Sign up* on the email list to your right, and you’ll get a notice when we have a great deal for you. We also send out some relevant news clips, and Real Estate Investing information. Deals are emailed before they’re posted on the site. Get a head start on them.
*Your information will only be used for our own nefarious purposes and never shared or sold.
- Do you want to buy an investment property?
- Do you need help with your investment property?
- Do you want to invest without ownership hassles?
Call us at 937-458-3303 and we can answer your questions. If we’re on the phone helping an investor or a tenant, please leave a message.
Darrin Carey